Your password is sent to you in the purchase confirmation mail from If you don’t have a password sent, you must have already created an account for TrillerTV. If you don’t remember what your password is, just click on the “Forgot Password” link when you try to unlock the event in your browser. We’ll restore your password immediately - it’s quick and easy.
Articles in this section
- I cannot access/unlock a purchased show on the TrillerTV website
- I can’t find the purchase confirmation mail
- What is my password?
- What is my account name?
- I bought the event but still see “Order Now”
- I don’t see any account name / password in the purchase confirmation mail
- Will my purchase still be active if I close the browser?
- I get “Purchase not found” but I already paid for the event
- I paid with my friend’s / my spouse’s credit card and now I can’t unlock the purchase with my mail
- My event was locked back (turned back to blue label “Order Now”) after I purchased it
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