If you are trying to unlock a purchase without success and the screen returns you to the purchase page or you see this error message "Cannot load M3U8: 403 Forbidden" you might be blocking third party cookies.
To fix this please make sure that third party cookies are enabled in your browser. We need them to validate your purchase and let you watch without problems. After you do this you may need to complete the unlock on web process once again.
You will be able to find the third party cookies setting in these places depending on which browser you use:
Chrome: Go to chrome://settings/content/cookies. Please make sure that “Block Third-party Cookies" is NOT enabled.
Firefox: Paste this in Firefox “about:preferences#privacy” -> Under the History tab make sure that it is set to “Firefox will Remember History”
If you use custom settings make sure that “Accept Third- party cookies” is set to Always
Internet Explorer: Please go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Tab named Privacy -> Advanced -> Third-party Cookies -> Accept
Opera: Go to Settings -> Privacy & security and scroll down. Under Cookies -> Allow local data to be set
Safari: Go to Preferences -> Tab named Privacy -> Cookies and website data -> Set to “Always Allow”
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